Noland, the hero who saved countless lives long ago, is coming back. How will the world react?

Assume the role of a distant grandchild of those who lived on this island. Through the use of a rare species of Time Travel Gourd,  and powers to garner details of photos taken on Camu-Fruit, witness the lost events that shaped the world.

Inspired by the vast world of One Piece by Eiichiro Oda.


1. Try and find well composed shots with only one point of interest within it. Each 'headline' corresponds to a different location on the island. If you don't seem to get a headline for an object, try some other angles/perspectives!

2. Try not to wander off into the ocean.


WSAD - Move

Mouse - Look around

Mouse Right - Aim Camera

Mouse Left - Take Picture

Click - Use buttons


1. There is currently no feedback audio for when the time travel gourd is ready. When your headlines read '0', you can head back to the pod and it will open up

2. If the looking controls start acting weird after taking a shot, double tap the Windows key and it should work again

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